Ok, I need some clarification:

Are emotes case sensitive?
Do emotes have to be surrounded by whitespace?

Assuming the answers to those questions are true:
; when mIRC starts
on *:START:{

  ; create a hashtable
  hmake twitchEmotes 200

  ; load twitch emotes into the hashtable using numbers as the keys
  ; and each line of the file as the values
  hload -n twitchemotes emotes.txt

; on text in a channel I am op in
on @*:TEXT:*:#:{

  ; check to make sure the user IS NOT an channel mod
  if ($nick !isop #) {
    ; store the input line
    set -eu0 %emoteCountLine $1-

    ; store the emote count, giving it a default value of 0
    set -eu0 %emoteCount 0

    ; search the hashtable's 'data' for any wildcard-matching items
    ; in the table that match text. For each found, call /countEmotes
    noop $hfind(twitchEmotes, $1-, 0, W, countEmotes $1-).data
    ; if the emotecount is equal-to or greater than 5, send message and timeout user
    if (%emoteCount >= 5) {
      msg # Stop spamming emotes, $nick $+ !
      msg # .timeout $nick 120
    ; cleanup the variables
    unset %emoteCount, %emoteCountLine

alias -l countEmotes {
  ; get the 'data' portion of the found match
  var %emote = $hget(TwitchEmotes, $1-)
  ; remove the surrounding *'s
  %emote = $left($right(%emote, -1), -1)

  ; turn the emote into a regex pattern
  %emote = /(?<=^| ) $+ $right($left($hget(twitchEmotes, $1-), -1),-1) $+ (?= |$)/g
  ; call the $regex and increase %emoteCount by the number of matches it finds
  inc %emoteCount $regex(%emoteCountLine, %emote)

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 26/05/15 01:25 PM.

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My Stuff