So, I modified the script a little bit, to check for the first emote's line. If I type the emote, it doesn't work, however if I type "1" it yells at me about spam. This would only happen AFTER I loaded the hashtable using the viewer I showed in my previous post.

ON @*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop # && $hfind(table, $1-, 1) >= 1) {
    msg # Stop spamming emotes, $nick $+ !
    ;msg # .timeout $nick 120

When I changed the script to this, it only timed someone out for saying 5, not the actual text of the emotes. And only one "5" would trigger, an instance of five "5" would not.
ON @*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop # && $hfind(table, $1-, 1) >= 5) {
    msg # Stop spamming emotes, $nick $+ !
    ;msg # .timeout $nick 120