on *:TEXT:!Battle &:#:{
  if (%open == 1) {
    if ($2 < 11) {
      var %i = 0
      var %count = $2
      var %topic = $+(#,.,$nick)
      var %user = $readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points)
      var %final = 50
      var %remove = %user - %final
      if (%remove > 0) {
        writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %remove
        while (%i < %count) {
          write arena.txt $nick
          %i = %i + 1
        msg $chan $nick $+ , has entered the DarkDome! Wish them luck!
      if (%remove < 0) {
        msg $chan Sorry $nick but you don't have enough Scars to Enter!
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($1 == !Arena) {
      if ($2 == open) {
        msg $chan The gates to the DarkDome have opened Lets get ready to ROCK!! Type !Battle to enter. Remember only one man leaves 
        set %open 1
        write -c arena.txt
        echo -a arena Started
      if ($2 == close) {
        msg $chan The Gates have closed!
        set %open 0
        echo -a arena Closed
    if ($1 == !Fight) {
      if (%open == 1) {
        var %user = $read(arena.txt,n)
        write -c arena.txt
        set %open 0
        msg $chan  %user $+ Has mutilated the opposition!!
        echo -a arena Closed
  if ($1 == !) {DarkDome
  if (%open == 1) {
    msg $chan There are currently $lines(arena.txt) Contenders!

what I'm thinking is around line 44 or so I would like a code for awarding the victor points based on lines in the arena.txt IE the winner gets the pooled entry fees from all the contestants maybe minus a small premium like lines x 45
also thinking of maybe instead of just mutilated the opposition maybe having it read a text file for different ways for him to have achieved victory and then it will finally be complete!!!!!(I think)