Okay so What I want is a kinda coliseum game for my channel I have tried a few things but to be honest for the most part I have no Idea what I am doing. What I want it to do is I type a command and it opens the arena then people buy into the arena with points from my points system (which I do have working and can post if needed) then when I close entry I want it to basically say a few lines of like player one kills player two and so on until eventually only one player is left and then that surviving player is the winner and is then awarded the accumulated entry fees straight to his point total and what I have come up with so far is sloppy to say the least my original Idea was to "modify" my raffle script I'll post it but suffice to say horrible Idea but I will take any suggestions
on *:TEXT:!Battle &:#:{
  if (%open == 1) {
    if ($2 < 11) {
      var %i = 0
      var %count = $2
      var %topic = $+(#,.,$nick)
      var %user = $readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points)
      var %final = 50
      var %remove = %user - %final
      if (%remove > 0) {
        writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %remove
        while (%i < %count) {
          write arena.txt $nick
          %i = %i + 1
        msg $chan $nick $+ , has entered the DarkDome spending %final Scars! Wish them luck!
      if (%remove < 0) {
        msg $chan Sorry $nick but you don't have enough Scars to Enter!
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($1 == !Arena) {
      if ($2 == open) {
        msg $chan The gates to the DarkDome have opened Lets get ready to ROCK!! Type !Battle to enter. Remember only one man leaves 
        set %open 1
        write -c arena.txt
        echo -a arena Started
      if ($2 == close) {
        msg $chan The Gates have closed!
        set %open 0
        write -c arena.txt
        echo -a arena Closed
    if ($1 == !Fight) {
      if (%open == 1) {
        var %user = $read(arena.txt,n)
        write -c arena.txt
        set %open 0
        msg $chan  %user $+ Has mutilated the opposition!!
        echo -a arena Closed
  if ($1 == !) {DarkDome
  if (%open == 1) {
    msg $chan There are currently $lines(arena.txt) Contenders!

horrible I know I was working on it last week so its even more sketchy than I remember so feel free to criticize