n0=on *:TEXT:!getskull &:#:{
n1=  if (%open == 1) {
n2=    if ($2 > 10) {
n3=      msg $chan $nick $+ , you can't hold that many Skulls!
n4=    }
n5=    if ($2 < 11) {
n6=      var %i = 0
n7=      var %count = $2
n8=      var %topic = $+(#,.,$nick)
n9=      var %user = $readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points)
n10=      var %final = 10 * %count
n11=      var %remove = %user - %final
n12=      if (%remove > 0) {
n13=        writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %remove
n14=        while (%i < %count) {
n15=          write Raffle.txt $nick
n16=          %i = %i + 1
n17=        }
n18=        msg $chan $nick $+ , has grabbed %count skulls spending %final Scars!
n19=      }
n20=      if (%remove < 0) {
n21=        msg $chan Sorry $nick but you don't have enough Scars to grab %count Skulls!
n22=      }
n23=    }
n24=  }
n26=on *:TEXT:*:#:{
n27=  if ($nick isop #) {
n28=    if ($1 == !Bag) {
n29=      if ($2 == open) {
n30=        msg $chan /me Pulls out a big bag of Skulls and dumps them on the ground! Type !getSkull and a number 1-10 to grab a chance at winning
n31=        set %open 1
n32=        write -c Raffle.txt
n33=        echo -a Raffle Started
n34=      }
n35=      if ($2 == close) {
n36=        msg $chan /me Closes the bag!
n37=        set %open 0
n38=        write -c Raffle.txt
n39=        echo -a Raffle Closed
n40=      }
n41=    }
n42=    if ($1 == !draw) {
n43=      if (%open == 1) {
n44=        var %user = $read(Raffle.txt,n)
n45=        write -c Raffle.txt
n46=        set %open 0
n47=        msg $chan /me grabs a skull from the bag! %user $+ !!! Your Skull wins!
n48=        echo -a Raffle Closed
n49=      }
n50=    }
n51=  }
n52=  if ($1 == !Skulls) {
n53=    if (%open == 1) {
n54=      msg $chan There are currently $lines(Raffle.txt) Skulls in my bag!
n55=    }
n56=  }

and thats my raffle code first was my point code you just need to change point names to whatever you like and the commands to your preference