* Invalid format: $fline (line 4, script7.mrc)

Anyway, I wish the event is triggered when mentioning any nick, but without need to put ":" at the end of the nick.

EXAMPLE not work:
'James how are you?'

The code only works if I put
'James: how are you?'

This code works, but need to put ":" at the end of de nick
on *:INPUT:#: {
  if ((/* !iswm $1) && (*: iswm $1)) {
    var %i = 1
    while ($nick($chan,%i)) {
      if ($replace($1,:,*) iswm $nick($chan,%i)) {
        msg $chan 6¤3.11·13´6`9·4.13¤ $+ 1 $nick($chan,%i)  $+ 7¤3.11·13´6`9·4.11¤1 $2-
      inc %i

This code I wish modificate to fix the bug smile

Last edited by JuanAm; 24/11/14 06:17 PM. Reason: more information