I found a code on this website, but does not work.

on *:INPUT:#: {
  if ((/* !iswm $1) && (*: iswm $1)) {
    var %i = 1
    while ($nick($chan,%i)) {
      if ($replace($1,:,*) iswm $nick($chan,%i)) {
        msg $chan 6·7<4{6 $+ $nick($chan,%i) $+ 4}7>6·1 $2-
      inc %i

The error: the code will use by default [b]":"[/ b] to trigger the nick completer, but when nick is named, not depart ":" default in mIRC.

How fix the bug?

Last edited by JuanAm; 24/11/14 05:28 PM. Reason: more information