Originally Posted By: westor
Try to use this code, NOT TESTED if you want more help about it please give as an .ini file here to understand 100% what is for.

ON *!:TEXT:!*:#LATOOC: {
  var %f = $nick $+ .ini
  if ($1 == !register) {
    .notice $nick Registration has started.. Step One: Type !Name (Name of your character)
  if ($1 == !myitems) {
    if ($readini(%f,Register,Complete) != on) { .notice $nick Please Register! !Register | return }
    if ($readini(%f,pass,passaccept) != on) { .notice $nick Login! | return }
    set %Cookie $readini(%f,n,$nick,Cookie)
    set %Tickets $readini(%n,n,$nick,Tickets)
  if ($1 == !pick) {
    if (!$2) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Not enough parameters, try again and enter the type and text! | return }
    if ($2 !== type) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Incorrect parameter, try again and use $1 type <text> ! | return }
    if ($readini(%f,n,Register,Name) !== on) { .notice $nick Please choose a name !Name (Name) | halt }
    if ($readini(%f,n,Register,Type) == on) { .notice $nick You have already chosen a Type! | halt }
    if ($3 !== Prisoner) && ($3 !== Guard) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Incorrect paramater, try again and enter the correct type! (Prisoner or Guard). | return }
    if ($3 == Prisoner) {
      writeini -n $qt(%f) Register Type on
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Type Prisoner
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Health 10
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Tickets 0
    if ($3 == Guard) {
      writeini -n $qt(%f) Register Type on
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Type Guard
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Health 20
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Tickets 0
    .notice $nick Final Step: Pick your password! Type !Pass (Password) You will need this for logging in and keeping track of your character.
  if ($1 == !name) {
    if (!$2) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Not enough parameters, try again and enter the nickname! | return }
    if ($readini(%f,n,Register,Name) == on) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You are already registered. | return }
    writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Name $2-
    writeini -n $qt(%f) Register Name on
    .notice $nick Your character name is registered. Step 2: $2- $+ , What is your character type? Type !Types to get a list of what you can be, or to jump right to creation, type !Pick Type (Your selection goes here)

That doesn't seem to keep the commands separate as mine had done, but lumps them together. It's why I've been working on them one command at a time, to keep it separated and simple, easier for me to adjust and comb through.

I'm new to this site as well, but just found the "Code" insert part. I'll do that! Thank you.