Try to use this code, NOT TESTED if you want more help about it please give as an .ini file here to understand 100% what is for.

ON *!:TEXT:!*:#LATOOC: {
  var %f = $nick $+ .ini
  if ($1 == !register) {
    .notice $nick Registration has started.. Step One: Type !Name (Name of your character)
  if ($1 == !myitems) {
    if ($readini(%f,Register,Complete) != on) { .notice $nick Please Register! !Register | return }
    if ($readini(%f,pass,passaccept) != on) { .notice $nick Login! | return }
    set %Cookie $readini(%f,n,$nick,Cookie)
    set %Tickets $readini(%n,n,$nick,Tickets)
  if ($1 == !pick) {
    if (!$2) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Not enough parameters, try again and enter the type and text! | return }
    if ($2 !== type) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Incorrect parameter, try again and use $1 type <text> ! | return }
    if ($readini(%f,n,Register,Name) !== on) { .notice $nick Please choose a name !Name (Name) | halt }
    if ($readini(%f,n,Register,Type) == on) { .notice $nick You have already chosen a Type! | halt }
    if ($3 !== Prisoner) && ($3 !== Guard) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Incorrect paramater, try again and enter the correct type! (Prisoner or Guard). | return }
    if ($3 == Prisoner) {
      writeini -n $qt(%f) Register Type on
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Type Prisoner
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Health 10
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Tickets 0
    if ($3 == Guard) {
      writeini -n $qt(%f) Register Type on
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Type Guard
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Health 20
      writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Tickets 0
    .notice $nick Final Step: Pick your password! Type !Pass (Password) You will need this for logging in and keeping track of your character.
  if ($1 == !name) {
    if (!$2) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Not enough parameters, try again and enter the nickname! | return }
    if ($readini(%f,n,Register,Name) == on) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You are already registered. | return }
    writeini -n $qt(%f) $nick Name $2-
    writeini -n $qt(%f) Register Name on
    .notice $nick Your character name is registered. Step 2: $2- $+ , What is your character type? Type !Types to get a list of what you can be, or to jump right to creation, type !Pick Type (Your selection goes here)

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