So, basically. I have a few "goal's" for donations from my stream. Right now, I have my bot set up to message chat when I get a new donation automatically. What I want is for each donation I get to add to a total. So, if someone donates $10 it'll show as such:

BOT: DONATION! username [$10]

and then if someone else donates like $2 or whatever it pops up basically the same only automatically updating to [$12/$50] without me having to go in and do it manually.

The problems I've come across is, the way I track and alert the chat with a donation has the "$" in the file itself. Therefore I can't just add it without $ messing with any script I've tried. Any help would be appreciated.

For the purpose of helping me out here is the donation portion of the monitor script I have...

else if (%1 == C:\Users\myusername\Documents\donationfoler\recentdonation.txt) {
          msg # /me NEW DONATION$read(C:\Users\myusername\Documents\donationfolder\recentdonation.txt)

obviously I'll have to add another

 ;add that donation to total towards goal
msg # WHATEVERGOAL: $chr(91) $+ $read(whatevergoal.txt) $+ / $+ $chr(36) $+ 50 $+ $chr(93)

Any help towards this is appreciated. Thanks in advance.