Yes the mIRC's toolbar have always the same size, it's due IMO to the toolbar's icons wich have been made in 16x16 pixels.

I think mIRC doesn't allows to resize toolbar for this reason. A bigger toolbar should have bigger icons than 16x16 (ex: 32x32,48x48, or other).

Make a bigger toolbar with no ico > 16x16 will brings a bad visual effect because of the pixelation.:

Ex: Winrar with 150%, icons are pixelated:

Winrar with 100%, icons are fine:

Creating several resolution for one icon is a long task, this have been done for the mIRC.exe icon application and switchbar if I'm right. So since there is more than 10 icons in the toolbar, I guess creating 32x32 and 48x48 icon version on each of them will be very long for an non-designer.

Creating .svg icons prevent pixelation when resizing icon in any resolution, but in general is harder to make a vector image (losseless) than a bitmap one.

Last edited by HadS; 12/06/14 11:11 PM.