Yeah, definitely stumbled onto some trouble.
I can not for the life in me figure out how to work with /window and $window...
Here's what I have right now
dialog Message {
  size -1 -1 65 80
  title $chr(32)
  option notheme
  radio "Ops", 1, 2 0 100 20
  radio "HalfOps", 2, 2 20 100 20
  radio "Voice", 3, 2 40 100 20
  radio "All", 4, 2 60 100 20

on *:dialog:Message:sclick:1-4: writeini modes.ini disq status $did($dname, $did).text
on *:dialog:Message:init:0: { did -c $dname 4 | writeini modes.ini disq status all }

on 1:ACTIVE:*: { 
  if (# == #nillen) && ($network == Rizon) { if (!$dialog(message)) { /dialog -mn message message } } 
  else { if ($dialog(message)) { /dialog -c message message } }
As you can see, it's not much. And what I'm getting is a small window with the options I'd like pop up each time I enter channel #nillen, this window goes to focus so I have to click the chat window once again to be able to type. And I have to move the centered dialog each time as well.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Nillens @
Nillen @