Yea, that's what I was saying. I do have 2 add.pts aliases. That's how the code already was when I found it on here.

But when I remove the alias that was provided in the part of the code you just quoted, the !points on !points off doesn't work. So I had to keep that in for it to work.

Also, someone else said they had to remove part of the code that gives someone 1 point when they join to make their !points on / !points off work.

I believe I'm getting confused on what makes the bot work and what breaks it.

I took a year at University of Phoenix for computer programming and always wanted to learn, but I keep running into roadblocks and stay up for hours and hours wrecking my brain trying to figure out what broke what.

Last edited by Echosyp; 24/05/14 06:25 PM.