I would probably create a command that says

read points.ini
if points < 1, then give out msg ( you have zero points ).
if points > 1, then post the value for the nick

On a side.note, this is your current erase-script, right?

on *:text:!points reset:#:{
  { msg $chan All points are now erased }
  write -c points.ini.

You should probably give that some limitation, because at the moment, ANYBODY can erase the data in your points.ini by typing this command into the chat.

on !*:join:#:{
  $+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) 0 10 add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)

Change the 10 into the amount your prefered amount of seconds.

Last edited by Ahramanyu; 23/05/14 02:50 AM.