Originally Posted By: judge2020
Originally Posted By: Loki12583
Did you edit this in another text editor with tabs instead of spaces?

Ya that's probably it.
How do I fix this?

Try this. I went ahead and fixed the space issue; just paste in mIRC and test. If you still are thrown the same errors, let me know and I will go through it.

on *:TEXT:!giveaway start *:#:{
  if ($read(sreglist.txt,nw,$nick)) {
    if (%giveaway == off) {
      set -e %giveaway on
      msg $chan giveaway started. Clearing old giveaway list. Please say " $+ $3 $+ " to enter the giveaway!
      write -c giveaway.txt
      write -c GiveawayWord.txt
      .timerWriteGiveawayWord 1 1 write GiveawayWord.txt $3 
    elseif (%giveaway == on) msg $chan a giveaway is still on. please end it by saying "!giveaway end"		 
    else msg # error, please !giveaway end to fix this
on *:TEXT:!giveaway end:#:{
  if ($read(sreglist.txt,nw,$nick)) {
    set -e %giveaway off
    msg $chan Giveaway has ended. entries: $lines(giveaway.txt) $+ . Please do !draw to pick a winner!
on *:text:!draw:#:{ 
  if ($read(sreglist.txt,nw,$nick)) {
    var %giveawaywinner = $read(giveaway.txt)
    if (%giveaway == off) { msg $chan The winner is %giveawaywinner $+ !! If you would like to pick another winner draw again. you can message mark here http://www.twitch.tv/message/compose?to=mark_paintball and you can message the winner here http://www.twitch.tv/message/compose?to= $+ %giveawaywinner }
    elseif (%giveaway == on) { msg $chan The giveaway is still on! please do "!giveaway end" }
on *:text:*:#:{
  if (%giveaway == on) {
    if ($read(GiveawayWord.txt,nw,$1)) {
      if (!$read(giveaway.txt,nw,$nick)) {
        write giveaway.txt $nick