
i went through this thread for my own bot and changed the script a little bit, as i didn't need the permit-line.

on *:text:!setclass*:#: { 
  set -u30 %floodpoints. $+ $nick On 
  if ($2 != Warrior ) && ($2 != Sentinel) ($2 != Gambler ) && ($2 != Gunner ) && ($2 != Blackmage ) && ($2 != Whitemage ) && ($2 != Synergist ) && ($2 != Saboteur ) && ($2 != Summoner ) && ($2 != Bluemage ) && ($2 != Thief ) { return }
  .writeini -n Classes.ini $nick Class $2
  msg $chan $nick is now a $2 $+ .

The problem i have is, that people are able to freely write down a class which is actually not on the list. Did i make an error?

Last edited by Ahramanyu; 25/04/14 10:35 AM.