Hey! What I am looking for is a bit difficult to create which is why I come here for help.

Basically what I want is a script that allows people, when permitted by OPs, to pick a class(Wizard, Warrior, Cleric, etc.) Then I when they've picked their class I want their name with their class next to it to be written down in a text file somewhere for me to be able to check but I also want them to be able to use a on text command to check which class they are.

For example;
!permit <nick>
;This will allow <nick> to pick their class.

!class <classname>
;This will be used by the user who was permitted earlier to pick a class. (I want them to only be able to pick a class ONCE for each time they're permitted.)

;This should respond with $nick's current class.

If anyone feel like they're up for it then I'd be extremely grateful! smile I realize this can be done using writeini and Hash Tables but I have experience with neither and I am trying to learn so please also feel free to explain how your script works! smile

Best Regards,

Last edited by John67; 19/03/14 12:24 AM.