
From some help on a script I currently have give this ago and see how it work for you. You didn't say who would be allowed to ban users from adding scripts, so on the two parts where it says NICKNAME change this to your mIRC nickname and it will allow you to ban users from adding quotes.

to ban or delete a user from making quotes you must message the bot or person who will have the script in the mIRC.

/msg nickname addban username
/msg nickname delban username

Adding or Deleting the person from the ban list will notify them on the action..... Again you didn't say if you wanted it to tell them if there banned or unbanned but I can easily change this.

If you don't want to do it via pm message I can make it a room command !addban nickname etc I can also make it so if you have staff who will need access to the ban list to make a simple command to allow or deny them access also.

on *:Text:*banuser*:?: {
  if ($1 == banuser) && ($nick == NICKNAME) {
    if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: %c $+ banuser <nick> | halt }
    if ($2 !== $null) {
      if ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick I will not add myself. | halt }
      if ($readini(banned.ini, $2, Level) !== $null) { .notice $nick $2 is already in the quotes ban list. | halt }
      if ($comchan($2,0) == 0) { .notice $nick $2 is not on any of my channels. To add a user you must bring them to a channel were I am too. | halt }
      else { 
        writeini -n banned.ini $2 Level Banned
        writeini -n banned.ini $2 Num 200
        writeini -n banned.ini $2 Hostmask $mask($address($2,2),2)
        .guser 200 $2 2
        .msg $2 You have been banned from adding quotes by $nick
        .notice $nick You have banned $2 from adding quotes.
on *:text:*delban*:?: {
  if ($1 == delban) && ($nick == NICKNAME) {
    if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: %c $+ delban <nick>. | halt }
    if ($2 !== $null) {
      if ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick I'm not listed on that list :). | halt }
      if ($readini(banned.ini, $2, Level) == $null) { .notice $nick $2 doesn't appear to be on the ban list. | halt }
      else {
        .ruser 200 $readini(banned.ini, $2, Hostmask)
        .remini banned.ini $2
        .write -ds $+ $2 banned.txt 
        .notice $nick has been removed from the quotes ban list.
        .msg $2 You have removed from the quotes ban list. You may now add quotes 
on *:TEXT:!addquote*:#:{ 
  if ($level($mask($address($nick,2),2)) == 200) { .notice $nick Sorry you can not add a quote as you have been banned. }
  else {
  write quotesreview.txt $nick : $2- } { .msg $chan Quote added for review }

Let me know if you need anything changing and ill see what I can do smile

Hope its ok for you

