Whilst ive had the type...... if your going to use it in your own mIRC client then I have changed it so you can. If you use this one then there is no NICKNAME to change as its in your client and being done by /commands then no-one else can trigger it.

Commands are:

/banuser nickname
/delban nickname
/addquote (you can add quotes this way)
!addquotes (public room command for other users)

alias banuser {
  if ($1 == $null) { .echo Command incomplete. Syntax: %c $+ /banuser <nick> | halt }
  if ($1 !== $null) {
    if ($1 == $me) { .echo I will not add myself. | halt }
    if ($readini(banned.ini, $1, Level) !== $null) { .echo $1 is already in the quotes ban list. | halt }
    if ($comchan($2,0) == 0) { .echo $2 is not on any of my channels. To add a user you must bring him to a channel were I am too. | halt }
    else { 
      writeini -n banned.ini $1 Level Banned
      writeini -n banned.ini $1 Num 200
      writeini -n banned.ini $1 Hostmask $mask($address($1,2),2)
      .guser 200 $1 2
      .echo You have banned $1 from adding quotes
alias delban {
  if ($1 == $null) { .echo Command incomplete. Syntax: %c $+ /delban <nick>. | halt }
  if ($1 !== $null) {
    if ($1 == $me) { .echo I'm not listed on that list :). | halt }
    if ($readini(banned.ini, $1, Level) == $null) { .echo $1 doesn't appear to be on the ban list. | halt }
    else {
      .ruser 200 $readini(banned.ini, $1, Hostmask)
      .remini banned.ini $1
      .echo $1 has been removed from my quotes ban list.

alias addquote {
  if ($level($mask($address($1,2),2)) == 200) { .echo Sorry you can not add a quote as you have been banned. }
  else {
  write quotesreview.txt $me : $1- } { msg $chan Quote added for review }
on *:TEXT:!addquote*:#:{ 
  if ($level($mask($address($1,2),2)) == 200) { .notice $nick Sorry you can not add a quote as you have been banned. }
  else {
  write quotesreview.txt $nick : $2- } { msg $chan Quote added for review }

If you don't like the command names e.g. /banuser find these names in the script and change them to your preferred wording, just make sure if you change banuser to say quoteban make sure you change all the parts that say banuser to the new word.

Enjoy laugh

