on hotlink, a change was made is 7.23 that never made it into the help file as far as I can tell

Improved hotlink support and changed HOTLINK event to only require
one event definition to work.

on <level>:HOTLINK:<matchtext>:<*#?=!@>:<commands>

$hotlink(item) where item can be: event, line, word, char, match

Properties: pos, type

The pos property used with line, word, char and match returns the
position of the item
The type property used with match returns the type of match

/hotlink -md [@menu]

The -m switch displays the popup @menu in the rclick event
The -d switch is used with the -m switch and includes the default
popup menu for a match type

/return enables hotlink over the current word
/halt disables hotlink and allows default processing