Thanks a ton. With your help I manage to fix it.

My code for those interested are now as follows in remote

Notify in Address Book v1.5 (by AbleMan 01/03/2013)

#notify on
#notify end

menu Nicklist {
Nicks on Notify
.Notify List On $chr(9) $iif($group(#notify) == on,[X]):enable #notify | /notify on | echo 3 *** Adressbook Notify function is now enabled
.Notify List Off $chr(9) $iif($group(#notify) != on,[X]):disable #notify | /notify off | echo 3 *** Adressbook Notify function is now disabled
.Add $+ $chr(32) $+ $snick(#,1):/.notify $$1 $?="Enter a comment :" | echo -a %logo3 $$1 has been added to your Notify List with comment: $!
.Remove $+ $chr(32) $+ $snick(#,1): /notify -r $$1
.Add a nick:/.notify $$?="Give me the user's nick :" $$?="Enter a comment :" | echo -a %logo3 $+ $! has just been added to the notify list...
.Remove a nick:/.notify -r $$?="Give me the user's nick :" | echo -a %logo3 $+ $! has just been removed from the notify list...
.Number of Nicks: echo -a $notify(0) %logo3 $+ $! users in notify list | /notify -l

Control (Ignore) in Address Book v1.5 (by AbleMan 01/03/2013)

#ignore on
#ignore end

menu Nicklist {

Nicks on Ignore
.Ignore List On $chr(9) $iif($group(#ignore) == on,[X]):enable #ignore | /ignore on | echo 3 *** Adressbook Ignore function is now enabled
.Ignore List Off $chr(9) $iif($group(#ignore) != on,[X]):disable #ignore | /ignore off | echo 3 *** Adressbook Ignore function is now disnabled
.Ignore:/ignore $$1 1
.Unignore:/ignore -r $$1 1
.Ignore $+ $chr(32) $+ $snick(#,1)
..You talk too much:/ignore $$1 1 | /notice $$1 have just been ignored...You talk to much
..You annoy me:/ignore $$1 1 | /notice $$1 have just been ignored... You annoy me
..Remove ignore:/ignore -r $$1 1
; .Ignore list:echo -a Number of ignores: $ignore(0) | /ignore -l
.Ignore list:echo -a $ignore(0) %logo3 $+ $! users in ignore list | /ignore -l

If any one improve or enhance this please let me know to. Maybe if Off then hide the other menu items and to open or close the Notify List window when off or on


Last edited by raycomp; 17/06/13 11:48 AM.