I have the following code to check users in notify list.

Also option to switch the enable notify on or off. Please help

I would like to show with an [X] against the item selected for inctance in te nicklist menu to show:

Notify List On [X] if selected
Notify list Off not Selected

Notify List On not selected
Notify list Off [X] is selected

My current code:

Nicks on Notify
.Notify List on:/notify on
.Notify List off:/notify off
.Add $+ $chr(32) $+ $snick(#,1):/.notify $$1 $?="Enter a comment :" | echo -a %logo3 7>10 $$1 12has been added to your Notify List with comment:10 $!
.Remove $+ $chr(32) $+ $snick(#,1): /notify -r $$1
.Add a nick:/.notify $$?="Give me the user's nick :" $$?="Enter a comment :" | echo -a %logo3 7>10 $+ $! 6has just been added to the notify list...
.Remove a nick:/.notify -r $$?="Give me the user's nick :" | echo -a %logo3 7>10 $+ $! 4has just been removed from the notify list...
.Check Notify List:/notify