If you get that, then your file is likely not in the correct location. You can verify this by typing //run links.txt . If it doesn't open, then you know it's in the wrong location. An easy way to make sure it's in the right place is to put it in $scriptdir or $mircdir locations. To see those locations, use //echo -a $scriptdir and //echo -a $mircdir . Then, once it's in one of those locations, you can use: msg $chan $read($scriptdir\links.txt,n) or msg $chan $read($mircdir\links.txt,n) . Note that the \ isn't really necessary, but it makes it easier to see what the filename is. Using one of those helps to prevent the location mIRC is looking from being wrong no matter what you do to your mIRC install. You can also just put a full path such as: msg $chan $read(c:\mIRC\links.txt,n) .

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