No probs smile

on *:text:!stats *:#:{ 
  if (!$hget(stats_ignore,$nick)) {
    hinc -mu5 stats_ignore $nick
    var %level = 1, %champion = $replace($2-,$chr(32),_), %output
    if ($eval($ $+ $0,2) isnum) { 
      %level = $v1
      %champion = $replace($deltok($2-,-1,32),$chr(32),_)
    if (%level > 19) { %level = 19 }
    if ($ini(champion.ini,%champion)) { 
      var %i = 1
      while ($ini(champion.ini,%champion,%i) != $null) {
        if (*lvl !iswm $v1) { %output = %output $chr(124) $v2 $+ : $calc($readini(champion.ini,n,%champion,$v2) + ($readini(champion.ini,n,%champion,$v2 $+ lvl) * (%level - 1))) }
        inc %i
      msg # $+($chr(2),Stats for $replace(%champion,_,$chr(32)),$chr(2)) $gettok(%output,1-,124)
    else { msg # $qt($replace(%champion,_,$chr(32))) invalid champion. }

I've made this one so that if the level specified is more than 19, it just changes it to 19. Let me know if you would rather it throw out an error message.

I've added a per-user ignore feature, so each user can only use it once every five seconds. If you would rather it only be used once every five seconds no matter who uses it, then change these two lines:

  if (!$hget(stats_ignore,$nick)) {
    hinc -mu5 stats_ignore $nick


  if (!%stats_ignore) {
    inc -u5 %stats_ignore

If you want to keep the per-user ignore feature and want it to keep track of people who change their nicknames to get around the ignore, add this:

on *:nick:{
  if ($hget(stats_ignore,$nick).unset) {
    hinc -u $+ $v1 stats_ignore $newnick
    hdel stats_ignore $nick