So i do lets pretend Ashe so !Stats ashe i would past in the ashe.txt:
Ashe @ level 1: 325 MS, 600 Range, 395 HP (+97/lvl), 4.50 HPS (+0.55/lvl), 11.5 armour (+3.4/lvl), 6.3 MR (+0.4/lvl), 46.3 damage (+2.85/lvl), 0.658 AS (+3.34%/lvl)

Or would it be:
on *:TEXT:!stats Anivia:#: { msg $chan Anivia @ level 1: 325 MS, 600 range, 350 HP (+70/lvl), 4.65 HP5 (+0.55/lvl), 10.5 armor (+4/lvl), 30 MR (+0/lvl), 48 damage (+3.2/lvl), 0.625 AS (+1.68%/lvl) }

Also which mirc directory, Local file? and how do i edit it so it picks a certain directory. not Mirc

Last edited by LinktersHaZe; 19/02/13 11:11 PM.