Hi all,

I can't get to work like it should.
I get a /window: insufficient parameters error that keeps me from closing the picwin.
I'm no expert and i'm lucky i got this far.
Also when more the one request is open it doesn't work frown
My guess is to make some variable for the nick and link that to the picwin so that when the menu is being used the right picwin window/query window will be closed.
I'v e been trying now for 2 days but my knowlegde is leaving me alone.

I tryed on open .......
set %nick $nick

This is what i made:

on *:OPEN:?: {  if ($away) { notice $nick Sorry, but $me is away. | close -m $nick }
  elseif (porn isin $strip($1-) || http:// isin $strip($1-) || www isin $strip($1-) || $chr(35) isin $1-) {  .msg $nick Go spam somewhere else ..... you r ignored.  | .ignore -u300 $nick | close -m $nick } 
  else {
    .msg $nick Query Blocker - Please Be Patient untill i accept or decline
    %pos = 4
    var %x 0
    var %y $comchan($nick,0)
    while (%x < %y) {
      inc %x
      var %a %a $+ $chr(32) $+ $comchan($nick,%x) $+ $chr(32)
    set %querytext. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $1-
    window -pdCf +be @Query- $+ $nick -1 -1 320 140
    drawfill -r @Query- $+ $nick $color(text) 1 1 1
    setlayer 215 @Query- $+ $nick
    drawtext -p @Query- $+ $nick $color(other) Anonymous 10 4 %pos Query Request from $nick | inc %pos 26
    drawtext -p @Query- $+ $nick $color(other) Anonymous 10 4 %pos Time $+ $c1 $timestamp | inc %pos 13
    drawtext -p @Query- $+ $nick $color(other) Anonymous 10 4 %pos ComChans $+ $c1 %a | inc %pos 13
    drawtext -p @Query- $+ $nick $color(other) Anonymous 10 4 %pos Message $+ $c1 %querytext. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | inc %pos 13
alias -l c1 return $+($chr(3),$color(ctcp).dd,$1,$chr(3),05,:,$chr(3),$color(info).dd,$2,$chr(15))

menu @Query* { 
  Sclick: window -a $nick | window -c @Query- $+ $nick | unset %querytext. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
  rclick: close -m $nick | window -c @Query- $+ $nick | unset %querytext. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
  dclick: .ignore -p120 $nick | close -m $nick | window -c @Query- $+ $nick | unset %querytext. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

I hope here i can find some help.