giggles isin is logically the same as *giggles* iswm - I would assume that isin could be more efficient. If, however, the text you're matching occurs at the beginning or end you can use giggles* iswm or *720p.HDTV.X264-COMPULSiON iswm as these are more restrictive.

As for deciding to use $2 or $4, context would help deciding but you can probably parse it out correctly into only one variable using a regex, or just checking the $network or $chan.

All that said, you might want to consider using hash tables to separate your filters from your code. I'll give some explanation for the following code:

The main alias here is "check", you can call it like /check %release or $check(%release), it returns 1 when there's a match and $null when there isn't. When the check alias is called, it makes sure that the hash tables are loaded. Then it checks the group first by looking up a wildcard match with $hfind. If it can't find a match, or if the value of that filter is 0 or $null, it returns $null. This way, the data of your filter acts as an enable/disable switch so you can disable a filter without deleting it completely. It does this same checking for what I called a tag, your "giggles" etc. If it matches a tag as well the alias finishes and returns 1.

The other aliases are used to facilitate working with the hash tables. I've made these aliases local with the -l switch except for tables.load, so when you're manually editing your filter.ini file you can call /tables.load to reload your changes. After you're all set up, it would be best if you put the -l back.

on *:start:{ tables.load }

alias check {
  var %release = $$1-
  if (!$hget(group)) { table.load group }
  if (!$hget(tag)) { table.load tag }
  var %group = $hfind(group,%release,1,W)
  if (!%group) || (!$hget(group,%group)) { return }
  var %tag = $hfind(tag,%release,1,W)
  if (!%tag) || (!$hget(tag,%tag)) { return }
  echo -ag Group: 3 $+ %group $+  Tag: 5 $+ %tag $+ 
  return 1

alias -l table.load {
  hfree -w $$1
  hload -i $1 filter.ini $1

alias -l {
  hsave -i $$1 filter.ini $1

alias tables.load {
  table.load group
  table.load tag

alias -l { group tag

I've got some debug text in there right now, so calling "/check giggles.720p.HDTV.x264-DIMENSION" will print out "Group: *.720p.HDTV.x264-DIMENSION Tag: giggles*"

This only needs to be run once (or not at all if you set it up yourself) before using the check alias. This creates and saves your hash tables to a file called filter.ini
alias tables.setup {
  hfree -w group
  hmake group
  hadd group *.720p.HDTV.x264-DIMENSION 1
  hadd group *.720p.HDTV.X264-COMPULSiON 1
  hadd group *.720p.HDTV.X264-2HD 1
  hadd group *.720p.HDTV.x264-EVOLVE 1
  hadd group *.720p.HDTV.x264-ORENJI 1
  hfree -w tag
  hmake tag
  hadd tag *giggles* 1
  hadd tag *grins* 1
  hadd tag *laughs* 1
  hadd tag *laughter* 1
  hadd tag *roars* 1

filter.ini will look as follows
