of course the dcx dll presents this bug, but adopting a dll to gestiure closing party which mirc wnd.dll, this problem does not occur
on 1:START:{
wndll hook $window(-2).hwnd
unset %vxd.close*
alias wndll { return $dll(dll\wnd.dll,$1,$2-) }
but according to another location that does not imply the use of dlls to handle closing mirc, you can re-enable pop-up colors with the following commands
mpopup mirc 1
mpopup mircbar 1
my question is by itself ...
by clicking on the close button and mirc, if the exit confirmation option is enabled, there is a method to tell mirc to close and reactivate the menubar if you choose to cancel the closing of mirc?
can I help the event on *:exit:{ ???