Originally Posted By: DEATHJ0KER
Originally Posted By: DEATHJ0KER
Clicking Exit, the client should just propose the dialog without taking action towards any function, but this is not the case of xpopup

Unloading a DLL

You can unload a loaded DLL by using the -u switch:
/dll -u <filename>
You can browse the list of loaded DLLs by using:

$dll(N/filename) returns the Nth loaded DLL

mIRC will automatically unload a DLL if it is not used for ten minutes, or when mIRC exits.

You can also define an UnloadDll() routine in your DLL which mIRC will call when unloading a DLL to allow it to clean up.

int __stdcall UnloadDll(int mTimeout);

The mTimeout value can be:

0 UnloadDll() is being called due to a DLL being unloaded with /dll -u.

1 UnloadDll() is being called due to a DLL not being used for ten minutes. The UnloadDll() routine can return 0 to keep the DLL loaded, or 1 to allow it to be unloaded.

2 UnloadDll() is being called due to a DLL being unloaded when mIRC exits.

 * \brief mIRC DLL Load Function
 * This function is called when the DLL is loaded.
 * It initializes all what the DLL needs and links mIRC received information to the mIRCDLL \b mIRCLink
 * data structure to be used later in various functions in the DLL.
 * \param load mIRC Load Structure Pointer

void WINAPI LoadDll( LOADINFO * load ) {

  mIRCLink.m_hFileMap = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 4096, "mIRC" );     
  mIRCLink.m_pData = (LPSTR) MapViewOfFile( mIRCLink.m_hFileMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0 );
  mIRCLink.m_mIRCHWND = load->mHwnd;

  g_OldmIRCWindowProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLong( mIRCLink.m_mIRCHWND, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) mIRCSubClassWinProc );

  ZeroMemory( &wc, sizeof( WNDCLASS ) );
	wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
  wc.lpszClassName = XPOPUPMENUCLASS;
  wc.lpfnWndProc = XPopupMenu::XPopupWinProc;
	RegisterClass( &wc );

	mhMenuOwner = CreateWindow( XPOPUPMENUCLASS, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0 );

  g_mIRCPopupMenu = new XPopupMenu( NULL );
  g_mIRCMenuBar = new XPopupMenu( GetMenu( mIRCLink.m_mIRCHWND ) );

 * \brief mIRC DLL UnLoad Function
 * This function is called when the DLL is unloaded.
 * It initializes all what the DLL needs and links mIRC received information to the mIRCDLL \b mIRCLink
 * data structure to be used later in various functions in the DLL.
 * \param timeout Unload trigger indicator (0 = timeout unload after 10 min - 1 = exit or /dll -u)

int WINAPI UnloadDll( int timeout ) {

  // DLL unloaded because mIRC exits or /dll -u used
  if ( timeout == 0 ) {

    SetWindowLong( mIRCLink.m_mIRCHWND, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) g_OldmIRCWindowProc );

    g_XPopupMenuManager.clearMenus( );

    delete g_mIRCPopupMenu;
    g_mIRCMenuBar->cleanMenu( GetMenu( mIRCLink.m_mIRCHWND ) );
    delete g_mIRCMenuBar;

    if ( mhMenuOwner != NULL )
      DestroyWindow( mhMenuOwner );

    UnregisterClass( XPOPUPMENUCLASS, GetModuleHandle( NULL ) );

    UnmapViewOfFile( mIRCLink.m_pData );
    CloseHandle( mIRCLink.m_hFileMap );

    return 1;
  // keep DLL in memory
    return 0;

 * \brief blah
 * blah

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