/setlayer 128 @window

That makes the entire window (and everything drawn to it) transparent. This is not what I'm looking for.

The alias I posted before, coupled with this alias:

alias dtv.win {
  var %win @dtv , %bkg $scriptdirdtv_bkg.bmp
  if (!$exists(%bkg)) dtv.drbkg
  if ($window(%win)) close -@ %win
  window -Bdpf +nd %win 1 1 150 300
  drawpic -t %win 0 0 0 %bkg

It draws the pic and makes the 'black' corners disappear but only to show the window color beneath. How would I get the window color not visible, but what is drawn to it visible and NOT transparent? I don't want to see the background color of the @Window.