I've tried it in a clean copy of the current version too. I haven't tried the beta, will definately try this out.

I've written a little script to give as much information about the file, as you said.

the script (for those who care):

alias mp3test {
    var %f $scriptdirmusic.mp3
    var %s album title artist year comment genre track length version bitrate vbr sample mode copyright private crc id3 tag tags
    var %c 1
    while (%c <= $numtok(%s, 32)) {
        echo -s $gettok(%s, %c, 32) - $sound(%f). [ $+ [ $gettok(%s, %c, 32) ] ]
        inc %c

the output:

album -
title -
artist -
year -
comment -
genre -
track - -1
length - 106004
version - MPEG 1.0 Layer 3
bitrate - 192
vbr - $false
sample - 44100
mode - Joint Stereo
copyright - $false
private - $false
crc - $false
id3 -
tag - 0
tags -


/server -m irc.p2p-network.net -j #zomgwtfbbq
(ssl on port 6697 and 7000)