Originally Posted By: Riamus2
A crash report is of very little use without details. If you didn't already provide the information in your email, then please provide all details about what the problem is (not just that it crashed).

Some of us can read full crash dumps, you know?

Originally Posted By: argv0
What is the result of typing in the following command in mIRC:

//echo -a $version $os $md5($mircexe,2) $script(0) $dll(0)

Do you have to copy/paste a generic question without reading all of the details? Use your logical inference capability. I've provided a full crash dump. What does that indicate about me? Do you think I'm the kind of person who would report a bug for anything but the latest version of mIRC? Don't you think the crash dump would provide information about my OS? Do you think I would bother providing an error report if my mirc.exe were corrupt?

7.19 XP 7dce14f036cb1767f991704e9477151a 26 0

No, I will not provide you with any of my scripts. To be honest, I've been reading your messages in other threads and I don't exactly welcome your participation. Either of you.