nice! might i suggest an expansion on it to support all token identifiers, as well as including a thing or two for exceptional cases and generality, given that we can now use delimiters that occupy multiple bytes in UTF-8:

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $tok(<name>, <text>, [, parm, parm, ...])[.cs]
  Returns the value of a call to $<name>tok[cs](<text>, [, parm1, parm2, ...])
  but acknowledges null tokens both in <text> and appropriate parms.
  Use the .cs property to call the case sensitive version of the token identifier.
  $tok(num, a..b..c, 46) = 5
  $tok(rem, a..b..c, , 2, 46) = a..b.c
  $tok(put, a..c, b, 2, 46) = a.b.c
  $tok(rep, a..c, c, , 46) = a..
  $tok(find, .a.A, A, 46).cs = 3
  Note that if you plan to use this for sorting, the randomly selected placeholder,
  chosen from the 256-55295 code point range will result in null tokens being placed 
  after characters in the typically used 1-255 range. 
} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias tok {
  while ($chr($rand(256, 55295)) isin $2) /
  var %marker = $v1 | ; random placeholder
  var %C = $iif($1 == sort, $3, $eval($ $+ $0, 2))
  if (%C !isnum) return
  var %i = 3, %parms, %delim = $+(\Q, $chr(%C), \E), %cs
  if ($prop == cs) && ($istok(add find is match rem rep sort wild, $1, 32)) %cs = cs 
  if ($0 > 2) && ($3 == $null) && ($istok(add find ins is put rem rep wild, $1, 32)) {
    %i = 4
    %parms = ,%marker
  while (%i <= $0) {
    if (%i == 4) && ($1 == rep) && ($4 == $null) {
      %parms = %parms ,%marker
    else {
      %parms = %parms ,$ $+ %i
    inc %i
  returnex $remove($eval($+($, $1, tok, %cs, ( $eval(                 $&
    $regsubex(__tokn,$2, /(?<=^| %delim )(?=\z| %delim )/gx, %marker) $&
    , 0) %parms )), 2), %marker)
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $tokcs(<name>, <text>, [, parm, parm, ...])
  Syntactic sugar for $tok().cs.
  For example:
  $tokcs(rep, A..a., a, , 46) = $tok(rep, A..a., a, , 46).cs = A...
} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias tokcs {
  var %i = 1, %parms
  while (%i <= $0) {
    %parms = %parms ,$ $+ %i
    inc %i
  returnex $tok( [ $mid(%parms, 2) ] ).cs

"The only excuse for making a useless script is that one admires it intensely" - Oscar Wilde