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Posted By: Tuxman $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 06:24 PM
We noticed that $gettok() does not actually like empty tokens.

//echo -ag $gettok(1#2#3#4#5#6#7,3,35)

//echo -ag $gettok(1##3##5##7,3,35)

OK, this MIGHT be correct in a way, as 5 is the third "non-empty" token. However, sometimes there are reasons to take the third token regardless of its contents, so in this case mIRC does not seem to provide a way.

I would consider it a bug, as it does not work as pronounced in the /help.
Posted By: Wims Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 07:15 PM
This has been discussed in the past, this is because mIRC use the C strtok() function internally.
The help file could precise that nul tokens are ignored, however the behavior is intended.
sometimes there are reasons to take the third token regardless of its contents, so in this case mIRC does not seem to provide a way
True, but for these specials cases you could make your own gettok function, you could also suggest a $prop for all $*tok function to keep nul token

edit : quick regex version that handle nul tokens :

alias gettokn var %pattern /((.*?) $+ $chr($$3) $+ ){ $+ $2}/ | noop $regex($1,%pattern) | return $regml(2)

Posted By: drum Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 07:22 PM
The help file doesn't actually define what a "token" is. This is the way mIRC has always worked so don't expect it to change.
Posted By: Tuxman Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 07:34 PM
Originally Posted By: drum
The help file doesn't actually define what a "token" is.

So it is rather safe to assume that null tokens are tokens, too, right?
Hm, I don't care how this is solved, a prop would be OK, but I think it should. smile
Posted By: drum Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 07:58 PM
Originally Posted By: Tuxman
So it is rather safe to assume that null tokens are tokens, too, right?

No. I'm saying there are different definitions of what a token is. In mIRC's implementation, there's no such thing as a null token.

Don't get me wrong. I see the usefulness of what you're describing. I'm just explaining that it's not a "bug".
Posted By: argv0 Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 08:16 PM
There's nothing to solve. This is also the basic reason why multiple spaces don't work. If mIRC assumed empty tokens were tokens, then input like:

"the    quick brown fox"

Would break scripts expecting $2 to be "quick". That is, it would break just about every script. Note that $N is just shorthand for $gettok($1-,N,32). This is how mIRC parses out $1- internally for every command and identifier, it's a design feature of the language, and therefore is not a bug and probably not going to change.

You're free to write your own tokenization function that handles empty tokens.

edit: Here's one for you:

alias gettokex {
  var %text = $1, %n = $2, %delim = $chr($3)
  var %count = $calc($count(%text,%delim) + 1)
  if (%n == 0) return %count
  if (%n < 0) %n = $calc(%count + %n)
  if (%n > %count) return
  var %from = $iif(%n == 1,1,$calc($poscs(%text,%delim,$calc(%n - 1)) + 1))
  var %to = $poscs(%text,%delim,$iif(%n == 1,1,%n))
  if (%from == $null) %from = $calc($poscs(%text,%delim,-1) + 1)
  if (%to == $null) %to = $calc($len(%text) + 1)
  var %diff = %to - %from
  if (%diff == 0) return
  return $mid(%text,%from,%diff)

//echo -a $gettok(foo::bar,1,58)
//echo -a $gettok(foo::bar,2,58)
(tries to echo empty string)
//echo -a $gettok(foo::bar,3,58)


//echo -ag $gettokex(1##3##5##7,3,35)
Posted By: DJ_Sol Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 09:26 PM
Solve it by storing data correctly & responsibly. If I find that a list I gather dynamically can return a null value I have to script for that. If I am storing values that contain a period, I know not to use $chr(46) for a delimiter.
Posted By: Tuxman Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 10:41 PM
Ah. I tried and failed to build something like that with Regex.
Thank you very much then, argv0! smile
Posted By: Tuxman Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/11/10 10:43 PM
Originally Posted By: DJ_Sol
Solve it by storing data correctly & responsibly. If I find that a list I gather dynamically can return a null value I have to script for that. If I am storing values that contain a period, I know not to use $chr(46) for a delimiter.

I often use comma-separated strings for storing lists (like: channel passwords and stuff), so something they might be null. I just never thought about what happens when I want to work around that.
Posted By: Wims Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 28/11/10 01:09 AM
I tried and failed to build something like that with Regex.
I edited my post with a regex exemple after submitting, I guess both of you didn't see it.
Posted By: Tuxman Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 28/11/10 06:10 AM
Indeed, I missed it. smile
Thank you for the hint.
Posted By: Tuxman Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/06/11 01:11 AM
Seems like mIRC 7 broke the $gettokex alias from above?

//echo -ag $gettokex(1##3##5##7,3,35)
1##3##5##7 3 35

Posted By: argv0 Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/06/11 01:45 AM
It returns the same value as I originally posted for me in the latest mIRC. I think you should check that you copied the alias properly, and don't have any other versions of it lying around.
Posted By: Tuxman Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/06/11 03:14 AM
Weird. Got to reinvestigate then...
Posted By: Jigsy Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 27/06/11 08:11 PM
qwerty posted this one a few years back:

alias gettokn {
  var %c = \x $+ $base($3,10,16,2)
  returnex $remove($gettok($regsubex($1,/(?<=^| %c )(?=$| %c )/gx,$lf),$2,$3),$lf)

Works afaik in 7.19.
Posted By: jaytea Re: $gettok fails with empty tokens - 28/06/11 08:03 AM
nice! might i suggest an expansion on it to support all token identifiers, as well as including a thing or two for exceptional cases and generality, given that we can now use delimiters that occupy multiple bytes in UTF-8:

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $tok(<name>, <text>, [, parm, parm, ...])[.cs]
  Returns the value of a call to $<name>tok[cs](<text>, [, parm1, parm2, ...])
  but acknowledges null tokens both in <text> and appropriate parms.
  Use the .cs property to call the case sensitive version of the token identifier.
  $tok(num, a..b..c, 46) = 5
  $tok(rem, a..b..c, , 2, 46) = a..b.c
  $tok(put, a..c, b, 2, 46) = a.b.c
  $tok(rep, a..c, c, , 46) = a..
  $tok(find, .a.A, A, 46).cs = 3
  Note that if you plan to use this for sorting, the randomly selected placeholder,
  chosen from the 256-55295 code point range will result in null tokens being placed 
  after characters in the typically used 1-255 range. 
} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias tok {
  while ($chr($rand(256, 55295)) isin $2) /
  var %marker = $v1 | ; random placeholder
  var %C = $iif($1 == sort, $3, $eval($ $+ $0, 2))
  if (%C !isnum) return
  var %i = 3, %parms, %delim = $+(\Q, $chr(%C), \E), %cs
  if ($prop == cs) && ($istok(add find is match rem rep sort wild, $1, 32)) %cs = cs 
  if ($0 > 2) && ($3 == $null) && ($istok(add find ins is put rem rep wild, $1, 32)) {
    %i = 4
    %parms = ,%marker
  while (%i <= $0) {
    if (%i == 4) && ($1 == rep) && ($4 == $null) {
      %parms = %parms ,%marker
    else {
      %parms = %parms ,$ $+ %i
    inc %i
  returnex $remove($eval($+($, $1, tok, %cs, ( $eval(                 $&
    $regsubex(__tokn,$2, /(?<=^| %delim )(?=\z| %delim )/gx, %marker) $&
    , 0) %parms )), 2), %marker)
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $tokcs(<name>, <text>, [, parm, parm, ...])
  Syntactic sugar for $tok().cs.
  For example:
  $tokcs(rep, A..a., a, , 46) = $tok(rep, A..a., a, , 46).cs = A...
} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias tokcs {
  var %i = 1, %parms
  while (%i <= $0) {
    %parms = %parms ,$ $+ %i
    inc %i
  returnex $tok( [ $mid(%parms, 2) ] ).cs

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