Originally Posted By: wrigsted
Thanks Tomao, but what would this do? I try to put it in the script but can't see any difference and don't have the ability to decipher what it means blush
There's nothing to decipher really. What I did was basically consolidate hixxy's script and make it lighter with less bytes is all. I actually forgot to include the $1- in each event. :p I see hixxy has added the input event as per your request, and this is yet another consolidation:
on *:input:#: sc $1-
on *:text:*:#: sc $1-
on *:action:*:#: sc $1-
on *:notice:*:#: sc $1-
alias -l sc {
  if ($window(@singlechannel)) { 
    if ($istok(text action notice,$event,32)) {
      echo -bcfilmrt $event @singlechannel $chan -> $messagestyle($event) $1- 
    if (!$inpaste) && ((!$istok(/ $readini($mircini,text,commandchar),$left($1,1),32)) || ($ctrlenter)) {
    echo -bcfilmrt own @singlechannel $chan -> $+(<,$chr(3),$cnick($me).colour,$iif($left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1) isin $prefix,$v1),$me,$chr(3),$colour(own),>) $1- }
alias -l messagestyle { 
  if ($1 == action) { return * $nick }
  elseif ($1 == text) { 
    return $+(<,$chr(3),$cnick($nick).colour,$iif($chan && $left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1) isin $prefix,$v1),$nick,$chr(3),$colour(normal),>) 
  elseif ($1 == notice) { 
    return $+(-,$chr(3),$cnick($nick).colour,$iif($chan && $left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1) isin $prefix,$v1),$nick,$chr(3),$colour(notice),-) 
alias singlechannel { window $iif($window(@singlechannel),-a) @singlechannel }