What they said, but also...

With mIRC it's not suggested to use the while statement like you have it. We usually just use while for loops.

For instance:
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $chan(0)) {

inc %x

Also, since your text event specifies the text has !check in it, (!check isin $1) is uneccesary. It would be better to remove the 1st wildcard in the event.

on *:text:!check*:#:{

Remember this will only trigger if the first word is !check so the rest of your code wouldn't work. You can just make the text a wildcard, then check for $1.

on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($1 = !check) { ;commands }
  elseif ($1 = wolf) {
    if ($2 = NXwolf) msg # test complete



{ { /msg #Wolfscripts test complete } }

There is no need for the double brackets. smile

In the event of a failure:

You can say:

if (this = $true) do this
elseif (this = $true) do this
else { ;planned for error }

Also, you can utilize :error. This would be at the end of the code block.

:error {
echo -s Error: $error

Originally Posted By: mIRC help file
Error handling

Script errors can be caught by adding an :error goto point to your script. When an error occurs, the script will jump to :error and continue running. $error returns the error message.

You can reset the error with /reseterror. If you don't reset the error, it will propagate backwards to any calling aliases until an :error is found and will halt the script as usual.