For that kind of matching and $read, a loop over all lines of the file is inevitable.
  else {

    ; loop all lines of the file
    var %n = 1
    while ($read(text.txt,n,%n) != $null) {
      ; check for current line matching the third word
      if ($v1 isin $3) {
        ; output and stop further processing in case of success 
        msg $chan message for line $v1 matching word $3
      inc %n

    ; no success
    msg $chan message for no match

Hash tables would allow you to search for both: any <data> matched by <wildtext> (like $read and w), and any <wilddata> matching <text> (what you're after).
Especially if you have a file with a lot of lines, the method outlined below should perform much better:
  else {

    ; create hash table if it does not exist
    if (!$hget(likefile)) { likefile.load }
    ; check for any hash table data wildmatching the third word (returns first match only)
    if ($hfind(likefile,$3,1,W).data) { msg $chan data $hget(likefile,$v1) matches text $3 }
    ; no match
    else { msg $chan message for no match }


; load file into a hash table
; hash table items will be a numerical index ("line number"), the content of each line the data for that item
alias likefile.load {
  if ($hget(likefile)) { hfree likefile }
  hmake likefile
  hload -n likefile "text.txt" 
Note that your text file now has to contain a list of words with wildcards like *dog* or cat*
As you're not checking the file but the hash table, use the /likefile.load command after any modification of the textfile.

Last edited by Horstl; 21/01/11 11:07 AM.