Originally Posted By: Riamus2
As you can see from these examples, $$ does HALT the script and associated aliases instead of using RETURN. Most likely, it's something else in the script that reacts differently between versions that is giving you the problem. $$ has acted as a HALT for as long as I can remember... I don't feel like pulling out even older versions to find out when or if it was ever different. Since your last screenshot shows a difference and you used 6.35 and 7.17, my test with those two versions that shows $$ working the same between versions should be enough to show that it's something else in your script that is working differently. However, if you or someone else wants to do the same kind of test in 6.2 or older, feel free.

Yes yes okay that's good to know that $$ is next to useless. It's be slightly less useless even if it did act as /return IMO. I don't care about that though. Now explain what I'm experiencing! The script is not that large!

You know... could the /debug function actually display script processing information. Why is there no way to access the trace stack? Why isn't there no profiling option? Why is the editor so poor? No language is as complicated as this one. Not one language.

Last edited by MeStinkBAD; 02/01/11 05:06 PM.

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!