Not sure how to describe this, because it effects alot of things. And happends on 2 different clients both running 7.15, neither running any of the same scripts, and one client that has no scripts(even the defaults) loaded.

All happen while mIRC is running
1) After a few days my font/display settings per window get lost. The font gets set back to Fixedsys.

2) After changing the colors in the colors dialog, after a few days, those color settings get reverted back to the defaults.

3) My treebar "loses" windows. I will minimize mIRC to the tray, then a few hours later come back, restore it. It will still show the networks I'm on but every now and then, some of the networks' lose any children of it. IE no channels or queries are displayed when they are open(see screen shot).

4) With the first client, When trying to access it's md5 I get "* Error accessing file: $md5" even though the program is running, and the command "//echo -a $md5($mircexe,2)" is called from within the mIRC client. This install was done from the same setup files as the other two.

md5 of the blank client and of the 2nd mIRC running scripts: 06c7efde71fd9bec2d5e08e2e37a466f

I am SReject
My Stuff