Hi all,

I wanted a script that will take a string and capitalise the beginning of each word in the string.

i.e /begin_caps 'hello how are you' will return 'Hello How Are You'

I have now created a script, that works, but it uses a loop and feels really bulky and inefficient. I have not scripted in a whole long time, and I was hoping someone would improve on it.

I am sure some of you will come up with some really clever regexes, but could you also show some non-regex methods, so that I can understand them too.

I paste my script below.

alias begin_caps {
  var %i = 1,%line = $1-,%result
  while ($gettok(%line,%i,32)) {
    var %x = $v1 
    %result = %result $upper($left(%x,1)) $+ $right(%x,$calc($len(%x) - 1))
    inc %i 
  $iif($isid,return,echo -a) %result
