done all as instructed.
after connecting to the irc server, the issue is seen in the main numerics, On some ircds its after the MOTD on unrealircd, its seen in the 001 numeric.

The mirc.ini file did still contain both the ips correctly as the did the ports dialog, however in the local part, they were both blank. Both unrealircd and efnet returned this as whois,

asasasdsd is connecting from *@66.*.61 66.*.61

desolator is me@66.*.61 * bite
desolator using Hurricane Electric IRC Server
desolator actually using host 66.*.61

desolator is me@66.*.61 * bite
desolator using

and this message appears after every motd:
Local host: fdcserve-* (66.*.61)

/note - i did notice the Ip remained constant between every connection, always 61, this is however the primary IP, not secondary/binded ones - /offnote

Last edited by Desolator; 15/10/10 11:49 AM.