Personally I would store all that information in one slot.

hadd table seen.$nick $event $chan $ctime $network
Now you can use $gettok to grab the data you want from each entry. Space isn't the best delimiter IMO I just used it here as a basic example.

If you want to delete the last one I would add the integer to the item name, as I showed above. If you want to keep them as seperate entries then I would make a table for each one.

hadd action $nick $event
hadd channel $nick $chan
hadd time $nick $ctime
hadd seen $nick $network

Then a table that listed the nicks in order of appearance like I showed you above. That would be your master list.

hadd master $calc($hget(master,0).item + 1) $nick
( Stored as $hget(master,1) = $nick )

If you wanted the last nickname, you find the last nick in this list then use that nick to reference the entries in the other tables.

$hget(master,$hget(master,0).item) = last nickname entered.

The way you have it set up seems to messy to me.