Just so you know, hmake table 1000 does not make 1000 slots for data.

If you still want to delete the last item you need to know what order they are in. What you can do is add a number to the name.

/hadd table $+($calc($hget(table,0).item + 1),date.,$nick) $date

When I make the table I'm getting the total number of items in the table and adding 1 to it. I used the $+ identifier to join the data.

So your entry will look like.

1date.Nickname date

Now if you want to remove the last number, you can use $hget(table,0).item to get your total number. So if that returns 756, you know to delete 756.

If you want to delete the top 10 you know its 746 - 756.

var %x = $hget(table,0).item, %y = $calc(%x - 10)

You can use /hdel -w table 756* to delete it.

maybe somone have a bether idea then the use of $date ..

I don't know why you want to store the date. Thats up to you.

Last edited by DJ_Sol; 27/08/10 11:58 PM.