use $lower bcz of "D" mabe that won't work with chr 100
and u have to stop the code after the check of numbers by adding halt, return, or if/else, orelse the loop will continue the execution
on *:text:!roll *:#:{
tokenize 100 $lower($2-)
if ($1-2 !isnum) msg # ERROR: Wrong format. Example: !roll 3d6
else {
var %n $1,%d $2
while (%n) var %r %r $r(1,%d),%n %n - 1
msg # %r
if ($1-2 !isnum) is always satisfied if
$2 exists. reason being,
$1-2 will contain a space which automatically renders it non-numerical. you would have to expand that to
if ($1 !isnum) || ($2 !isnum) to have it behave the way you expect, but you'll find that also lets through input such as !roll -1d1 (which causes an infinite loop), !roll 1d1.5 (which, though rounded by
$r(), should probably be considered invalid) etc.
to check if
$1 and
$2 are both strings of digits (that is to say,
$2 exists and
$1 $+ $2 is a string of digits) you can use the following:
if ($+(+, $1, $$2.) isnum) {
in general,
if ($+(+, N, .) isnum) is true if and only if N is composed entirely of (1 or more) digits