hixxy said nothing to detract from your explanation of file handling, you managed to do that all on your own by swaggering into the thread with your baseless assumptions. have you considered that mIRC is not a low level language and that it can often be rather futile to try and map a block of mIRC script onto a set of low level operations? this is why we conduct tests such as benchmarking in addition to merely conceptualizing since the latter method of analysis can fall short unexpectedly. hixxy's tests have shown his method to perform faster in mIRC in the general case. if you don't believe him then by all means try to disprove his claim, but don't go throwing around nonsense claims such as 'Most users who have post counts into the 1000s make it impossible for me to explain file handling'.
A. File handles are low level operations.
B. Benchmarks don't reflect real world performance. This is a perfect example. We're monitoring a file that is constantly changing. We don't know the size of the file. Or it's contents. Hixxy's example will be faster the first time, but on large files will start seriously slowing down each subsequently called. Even on the largest files, GBs in size, performance will be consistent after the first call. Taking about 0-1 ms to complete. Test this yourself.
C. Shutup and just benchmark them yourself IN REAL WORLD conditions... then get back here... I refuse to do it for you because you won't believe it. You'll just do what Hixxy did and claim I was using /fseek unfairly*. THERE IS NO WAY TO UNFAIRLY USE AN OPERATION. Please PROVE ME WRONG!
From this thread P.S. BTW move this conversation to THAT thread please.