I'll Made a serial bot : the code is like this ::
on 1:TEXT:!serial*:#: {
if ($2) && ($readini(serials.ini, Serials, $2-)) {
.msg $nick ########SERIAL BOT############
.msg $nick Searching For ' $+ $2- $+ '
.msg $nick Search Result For ' $+ $2- $+ ' is :: [ $readini(serials.ini, Serials, $2-) ]
.msg $nick #########SERIAL BOT########
elseif ($2) && ($readini(serials.ini, Serials, $2-) == $null) {
.msg $nick We Found No Serial For Your Search!

It Works , but where can i get a serial list ?
Or , a lot of serials ? , i have serial 2k but i'm just to lame to write all the serials to a ini file! laugh