About the $regex Horstl:

I wanted the bot to respond different if i added me or I in the command like so:
Botname give nick1 and nick 2 a beer and one for me too.

At first I started the code like so because i wanted to be a barbot:
if (Botname == $strip($1)) { bla bla bla

Now i made it more like a respondbot aswell and so some of the code starts like this as well:
if (hello isin $strip($1-)) {  bla bla bla 

In the original code the botname was the trigger.
I dropped that part in the new code.
With the new code if i use this command:
Give nick1 and nick 2 a beer and one for me too.
It doesnt respond with the correct respond.
But if i change the command too:
Give nick1 and nick 2 a beer Botname and one for me too.
Then it responds correctly.
It doesn't matter where i put the botname.
My guess is the $regex is doing that.
Here is the code that i use original in full:
On 1:text:*beer*:#:{
  if (mIRCStats == $strip($1)) { 
    var %nicknum = $nick($chan,0) 
    var %nick1 = 1 
    while (%nicknum >= %nick1) { 
      if ($nick($chan,%nick1) isin $strip($2-)) {  
        var %nicklijst = $addtok(%nicklijst,$v1,32)
      inc %nick1 
    var %nicklijst = $replace(%nicklijst,$chr(32),$+($chr(32),$chr(38),$chr(32)))
    if (%nicklijst) {
      if ($regex($1-,/(?<= |^)(?:i|me)(?= |$)/Si)) { 
        .timer 1 2 $read($scriptdir\drinken\beerme.txt,t) 
      else {
        .timer 1 2 $read($scriptdir\drinken\beerlist.txt,t) 
    else { 
      .timer 1 1 $read($scriptdir\drinken\beer.txt,t) 

Here is the code changed a bit:
On 1:text:*:#:{
  if (Are you happy isin $strip($1-)) {   
    var %nicknum = $nick($chan,0) 
    var %nick1 = 1 
    while (%nicknum >= %nick1) { 
      if ($nick($chan,%nick1) isin $strip($1-)) {  
        var %nicklijst = var %nicklijst = $addtok(%nicklijst,$v1,32) 
      inc %nick1 
    var %nicklijst = $replace(%nicklijst,$chr(32),$+($chr(32),$chr(38),$chr(32))) 
    if (%nicklijst) {
      if ($regex($1-,/(?<= |^)(?:i|me)(?= |$)/Si)) { 
        .timer 1 2 $read($scriptdir\acts\ruhappyme.txt,t) 
        else {
          .timer 1 2 $read($scriptdir\acts\ruhappylist.txt,t) 
    else { 
      .timer 1 1 $read($scriptdir\acts\ruhappy.txt,t) 

Only thing changed is the first if.
It works in the original code because the botname is the trigger.

Hope this helps you help me.