I use this in my respond script:
var %nicknum = $nick($chan,0) 
    var %nick1 = 1 
    while (%nicknum >= %nick1) { 
      if ($nick($chan,%nick1) isin $strip($2-)) {  
        var %nicklijst = $+(%nicklijst,$chr(32),$nick($chan,%nick1))
      inc %nick1 

I can't get it so that if %nicklijst is more then 1 name those names are not sepperated by only a space but also with a &($chr38).
Some help would be nice.

another problem....
I'm not good at $regex so here is some code i use:
 if ($regex($1-,/(?<= |^)(?:i|me)(?= |$)/Si))

Somehow i need to use the name of the bot where the script is located in order to get it to work.
I want this to work too without use the bots name.


Last edited by RiMaJoy; 18/04/10 08:12 AM.