Bad Words - Words that shouldn't be said by anyone. Sure you guys know what I mean here.
Bad Nicks - Nicknames with bad words in them.
NoKick - Nicknames that the bot should not be made to kick or ban under any circumstances. ((Owner, admins, etc))

on 500:text:$($+($strip(kick),*)):*: {
  if (!$nick($comchan($nick,1),$2,@%&~)) && ($me isop $comchan($nick,1)) && ($2 ison $ifmatch2) {
    $iif($read($scriptdir\text\<filename>,w,$2),.msg $nick I can't kick $2 $+ !,kick $comchan($nick,1) $2)
on *:nick:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss
on *:text:*:*:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss $strip($1-)
on *:action:*:*:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss $strip($1-)
on *:notice:*:*:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss $strip($1-)
alias -l cuss {
  var %a = badword1|badword2|badword3|badword4
  var %b = badnick1|badnick2|badnick3|badnick4
  var %n = $numtok(%a,32)
  while (%n) {
    if ($istok($1-,$gettok(%a,%n,124),32)) { kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No cussing! }
    dec %n
  if ($regex($newnick,/( $+ %b $+ )/)) { kick $comchan($newnick,1) $newnick No bad nick allowed! }
Replace badword1 etc..and badnick1 etc..with the ones you want to watch out for. (a pipe (|) is to be placed between each added)

You can also make the variable a and b to search from the text file too...if you want.