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Posted By: Sahariel Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 06:07 PM
As the subject puts it, I'm having trouble with lines in text files when used in scripts.

Here's the scoop. I want to define lists in my text files. Each line with a specific thing on it.

Bad Words - Words that shouldn't be said by anyone. Sure you guys know what I mean here.
Bad Nicks - Nicknames with bad words in them.
NoKick - Nicknames that the bot should not be made to kick or ban under any circumstances. ((Owner, admins, etc))

The way I've been writing the script is like this.

on 500:TEXT:Kick *:?: {
if ($2 isin $read($mircdir\text\<filename>)) msg # I can't kick that person!
else /kick # $2

The thing is, it's not 100%. The more names, the less it hits. I know $read is doing it randomly, I need it for the entire list.

Is there a way to make the script glance at the list.txt and if any line matches, trigger the if condition?
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 06:28 PM
You can loop through every line (or put all bad words on one line, nicks on one line, etc) as long as their aren't too many words, then just read that one line using $read(filename.txt,line#), or using an ini file format, which would probably work better as long as your list of words/nicks isn't too large.

However, it would be more efficienct to use hash tables if you have a lot of words/nicks. Hash tables are easy to work with. Create the table (/hmake), load your saved list (if you've already saved a list) (/hload), then check using $hget() to see if it's on the list when you need to check something. You can also easily add new words/nicks (/hadd), or remove them (/hdel). Just be sure to save (/hsave) after making changes.
Posted By: Sahariel Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 06:46 PM
I thought hash tables might work. But I have little experience with them. Well, none really.

How exactly would I write the $hget?
Posted By: chacha Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 07:03 PM
on 500:TEXT:*:?:{
  if ($strip($1) == kick) && ($2) && ($3) {
    if ($read($scriptdir\text\<filename>,w,$2)) msg $nick I can't kick $2 !
    elseif (($chan($3)) && ($2 ison $3)) kick $3 $2

use: kick <nick> <channel>
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 07:10 PM
It depends on how you want to set it up. Either way, you'll need to loop it for bad words because you need to check everything in the line. For nicks, you can look it up with just:

  if ($hget(Nicks,$nick)) { do something }

For words, you'd need to do something like:

var %c = 1, %t = $hget(BadWords,0).item
while (%c <= %t) {
  if ($hget(Badwords,%c).item isin $1-) { do something and halt if needed }
  inc %c

To add something to it:

/hadd BadWords word fake_data
/hadd Nicks nick fake_data

You have to include data even if you're not using it, so you can put anything in place of fake_data... such as the number 1 or whatever. You're not using it, so it doesn't really matter. A single character takes less memory/space though, so that would be better than a word or whatever else.

Remember to have separate tables... one for bad words, one for nicks, etc. so they don't get mixed up. Alternatively, if you have few enough words/nicks so that you don't run into line too long errors, you can put them all into a single item and then you can use one hash table for everything (Badwords, nicks, etc). In that case,

/hadd MyHashTable BadWords word,word,word,word,word
/hadd MyHashTable Nicks nick,nick,nick,nick

This does, however, make adding/removing them more challenging.

As a note, you *could* use a binary hash table and then store all bad words on a single line (item = BadWords, data = all your bad words). This may even work more efficiently, but it takes a bit more work to set up and you can't read the saved hash table data visually. If you do a binary hash table, since you can have all of the words on one item, you can just use one table that has items BadWords, Nicks, etc... basiccaly the same as if you have few words/nicks as mentioned above. As a note with binary tables, you'll write and read the data differently.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 07:27 PM
Btw, if you wanted to look for complete words and not partial matches, a good way would be to have each word be an item in the table and then look it up like this:

Note: add all punctuation to the $remove list... this prevents something like badword. from not matching because of the "."

tokenize 32 $remove($1,.,$chr(44),!,?)
var %c = 1, %t = $0
while (%c <= %t) {
  if ($hget(BadWords,$eval($+($,%c),2)) { do something and halt if needed }
  inc %c

Note: for this part ($,%c) you may have to replace $ with the $chr() value, which I can't remember off the top of my head. It would then look like ($chr(##),%c) where the ## is the $chr() value of $.

Basically, this method will look for whole words instead of all matches, which prevents something like "bass" from being treated as a bad word.

No matter how you do it, people can get around it once they figure out how it's being handled. But it's usually not hard to notice the people doing things to get around it and you can ban them or whatever you want manually.
Posted By: Sahariel Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 08:43 PM
I can't make the hash tables work. Something is wrong. I think I'm gonna have to stick with the words in the text file. I know nothing about hash tables, and not sure why but when I tried the above for it, it locked up mIRC when I used the bad word in channel (monkey in this case) and ultimately had to use the task manager to force it closed.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 22/02/10 08:55 PM
Would have to see exactly what you used for the script. Most likely you didn't have the WHILE loop set up quite right so it just kept looping.
Posted By: Tomao Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 23/02/10 01:19 AM
Bad Words - Words that shouldn't be said by anyone. Sure you guys know what I mean here.
Bad Nicks - Nicknames with bad words in them.
NoKick - Nicknames that the bot should not be made to kick or ban under any circumstances. ((Owner, admins, etc))

on 500:text:$($+($strip(kick),*)):*: {
  if (!$nick($comchan($nick,1),$2,@%&~)) && ($me isop $comchan($nick,1)) && ($2 ison $ifmatch2) {
    $iif($read($scriptdir\text\<filename>,w,$2),.msg $nick I can't kick $2 $+ !,kick $comchan($nick,1) $2)
on *:nick:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss
on *:text:*:*:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss $strip($1-)
on *:action:*:*:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss $strip($1-)
on *:notice:*:*:if ($me isop $comchan($me,1)) cuss $strip($1-)
alias -l cuss {
  var %a = badword1|badword2|badword3|badword4
  var %b = badnick1|badnick2|badnick3|badnick4
  var %n = $numtok(%a,32)
  while (%n) {
    if ($istok($1-,$gettok(%a,%n,124),32)) { kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No cussing! }
    dec %n
  if ($regex($newnick,/( $+ %b $+ )/)) { kick $comchan($newnick,1) $newnick No bad nick allowed! }
Replace badword1 etc..and badnick1 etc..with the ones you want to watch out for. (a pipe (|) is to be placed between each added)

You can also make the variable a and b to search from the text file too...if you want.
Posted By: chacha Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 23/02/10 08:31 PM
$nick support only PREFIX ohv and/or @%+

about your alias CUSS better to add $event to avoid the loop without the need for it

alias -l cuss {
  var %a = badword1|badword2|badword3|badword4
  var %b = badnick1|badnick2|badnick3|badnick4
  var %n = $numtok(%a,32)
  if (($event == nick) && ($regex($newnick,/( $+ %b $+ )/))) kick $comchan($newnick,1) $newnick No bad nick allowed!
  elseif $istok(text.action.notice,$event,46) {
    while (%n) {
      if ($istok($1-,$gettok(%a,%n,124),32)) kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No cussing!
      dec %n

u cant use $comchan bcz if they have 3 comchans and he kick him from the third the code will kick him from the first that's too bad !! and u have to add ON JOIN event for bad nicks

Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 23/02/10 09:08 PM
To point out, these script methods also are limited in number of words/nicks unless you use binary or have many variables that you want to check.
Posted By: Tomao Re: Lines, Text Files, and Scripts, Oh My! - 24/02/10 09:13 AM
Thanks chacha for the pointer. I didn't put much thought into the matter of $comchan in the first place. It completely crossed my mind about the use of $event too.
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